Beiträge von _PA_
Zitat von spockcat
Anyone speak/read Russian:
New development from Tuning the Center!Translation by;
The device razblokirovanija videoimages on regular video-navigating receivers a/m VOLKSWAGEN during movement.
After introduction by engineers of a department of tuning Avto of Hansa Multisystem automatic transkodera / switchboard Audio, Video, RGB+C-syn. signals for a/m TOUAREG, and taking into account wishes of clients, there was a necessity to unblock the image of the regular monitor at movement a/m for viewing videoprograms by passengers. Therefore, we had been developed the device which allows during movement a/m:
- To the driver to supervise on the regular monitor the review from in addition established chamber of a back kind;
- Only to passengers to look through videoprograms from a regular TV-tuner, and also from in addition established sources of video signal (VHS, DVD, TV, etc.).
In addition set forth above, the opportunity of duplication of keys of switching of channels and volume controls located on a rudder with the help of a remote control (for example, from in addition established videosystems) also is stipulated.
The device is executed as the small block which is connected to the CAN-trunk of the regular navigating receiver, keeping all functions of the information CAN-trunk (diagnostics, management from a rudder, a conclusion of the information of operating modes of the receiver to the panel of devices, automatic switching-off on an output from a/m and other regular operating modes).
Besides a/m TOUAREG, the given module can be applied and in others a/m, equipped by video-navigating receivers (MULTIVAN T-5, PHAETON, etc.).On August, 9, 2004