Sitzheizung hinten nachrüsten Touareg 7P

  • I have started the task to install rear heating in my Touareg model 2011, with leather seat's.
    There are a few nuts to crack.

    I have bought the OBD-eleven coding unit. Is working fine and need it later for programming - which is still to figure out what to do?.

    Understanding the installation:

    First I bought the rear climatronic with the Integrated seat heatings buttons, to exchange with my present climatronic box.

    I also got the electric diagram of the car so that I can understand the wires and their purpose.
    Her is what i know until know:
    There are a 20-pin wires attached to the climatronic and a 3 pin plug(difference from the old one) on the new climatronic box.
    If just switching the seat heater button on, it will light for 5 sec and turn off.
    The pin 16(right) 17(left) on the 20 pins wires are for temperatur controlling. If attaching a resistance(i my case 250 Ohm) from one of there pins to steel connection, the heat button indicator will stay on. This is just for testing and understanding.
    So the theory is that these two pins must be connected to thermostats in the seat heatings.
    On the OBD i changed the setting under the Air-condition that indicate there is rear seat heating.
    I tried a live data streaming of the rear heating from via the OBD, buttons works and seat temp. shows -130 Celsius(due to the test temporary installed resistance).

    The 3 pins plug are according to diagram T1:Left+, T2: power+(should come fra SC40 fuse box C), T3:Right+
    Next step is to get the power out of T1 and T3, when activating the seat heat buttons.

    Theory1: temperature resistance have a working interwall which I need to figure out. Within the right area T1 and T3 will be activated?
    Theory2: There are som bit settings which need to be changed on the Databus?

    Anyone have knowledge they want to share ?
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    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von macko (13. Oktober 2016 um 17:19) aus folgendem Grund: Titel angepasst

  • Hi,

    kann mich nicht erinnern, dass das hier schonmal jemand nachgerüstet hat... Das wird nicht einfach.:hopelessness:

    Hast Du denn in den hinteren Sitzen die Heizmatten schon drin?


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    Slowakische Frau --> Slowakisches Auto!🇸🇰 :)

  • Hi Marco

    Wird ein interessantes Projekt.
    Es gibt keine heizmatten hinten.
    Da wird ich entweder gebrauchte sitze anschaffen und de matten widerverwenden oder u-originalematten kaufen und zupassen. Muss mal schauen ob man das Leder von Sitzfläche trennenkann.
    VW verkauft nursitz mit heizmatte und nicht heizmatten alleine.

  • Habe jetzt endlich Zeit gefunden um es fertig zu machen.
    1) Neuer Klimaaggregat kaufen und einbauen,mit sitz-Heizung Funktion eingebaut (E-bay)
    2) Kabel zum sitze verlegen (man kann VW original kaufen oder das von A6 vervenden)
    3) Sitz matten kaufen (VW ) undmontieren (Klimaaggregat funktioniert nur mit widerstand von VW – bei 10grad ca.15,70KOhm). Leder von Sitzfläche trennen (1 stunde). Kabel verbinden mit neuen Stecker
    4) Funktion mit OBD freischalten


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