Ihr muesst in den USA leben um guenstig VW zu fahren!
Wir bekommen nicht nur 4 - 5 Jahre Garantieleistungen ohne Verpflichtung beim die Wartungen vornehmen zu lassen, sondern VW will jetzt auch fuer das 1. Jahr die Versicherungskosten uebenehmen (und hier gibt es nur Vollkasko!)
Ich bin mir sicher, dass Hannes gern den folgenden Zeitungsauschnitt uebesetzen wird!
Volkswagen to offer a year of insurance to car buyers
By Jim Mateja, Tribune auto reporter.
934 words
Chicago Tribune
Chicagoland Final
Copyright 2005, Chicago Tribune. All Rights Reserved.
It began in 1979 when Chrysler Chairman Lee Iacocca told consumers they could buy a car and get a check.
With that promotion from the then-ailing automaker, Iacocca touched off the industrywide trend of incentives, which have swelled to $4,000 to $5,000 or more plus low- or no-interest financing.
While these have been the incentives du jour for years, Volkswagen is taking a new approach: Buy a car, get free auto insurance.
VW will begin test-marketing the program in Illinois and Wisconsin on Tuesday to learn whether this new gimmick will persuade consumers to sign on the bottom line.
Illinois and Wisconsin residents with valid driver's licenses who take delivery of a new 2004 or 2005 VW Golf, Beetle or Beetle convertible through March 31 will get a free "In the Car" insurance policy that's good for one year. The policies exceed the minimum requirements in both states.
The policy is underwritten by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co.
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